#74 [+]
dodany przez
party 2004-08-16 20:26
1 komentarzy
20:22:36 | * It`s_me gives channel operator status to olek tes Yacho
20:22:39 | * It`s_me gives channel operator status to cichy^666 Liko Luki
20:22:43 | * It`s_me gives channel operator status to kwiateek Bags|work Bora
20:22:45 | * It`s_me gives channel operator status to ace
<It`s_me> i kazdy nowy dostanie od was opa
<It`s_me> :-)
<olek> zreszt jakos tak lubie hopa :)
* kubatron (~mast10@zx90.internetdsl.tpnet.pl) has joined #php.pl
<olek> kazdy?
<It`s_me> zartowalem